Hello February!
The month that brings us hope for an early spring – when the groundhog doesn’t get scared – and promises of love and affection on the 14th!
This month, I’m sharing the bliss I feel when I watch the 2nd best man in my life, Benny, run to the “farm” with me.
Benjamin Othello Sunny Sabo (named so because he is indeed the BOSS) is 14 this year – more or less – we rescued/adopted him when he was 3 and he has become an integral part of this family and business ever since.
The first week we had him, we knew he was destined to be a Sabo because he was such a socialite at one of our trucker functions. As you all probably know, the Sabos can talk to anyone at any time about anything and Benny is no exception – especially when food is being served (chicken in particular).
So, back to the “bliss” that is Benny in relation to the video. This boy makes me LAUGH every day! He totally enjoys the run he takes to work and inspires me to stay joyous and find ways to laugh ALL DAY.
Laughter is essential to life and a healthy physical and mental state. So, let’s keep laughing. My challenge to you… and feel free to comment, is to find what makes you laugh. What brings you so much JOY that you just break out in uncontrolled laughter?
I’ll be checking to see if you respond. I want as much laughter in my day as I can get. Thank you in advance for sharing yours!
Happy February!