Heavenly Hellebores


If you have seen my video on Facebook, thanks for watching. And thanks to my husband, garden partner and camera man Ron.

Things to know: Hellebores love the shade. They are heavy feeders, so be sure to fertilize, especially in the fall because they bloom (depending on  the variety) from November through April. How awesome is that! They thrive on the north side of my house and under trees. Most grow between 12 to 18″ tall and about as wide, making nice bushy clusters.

The variety pictured above is Josef Lempert, which consistently blooms in my Madison garden from Thanksgiving through Easter, and sometimes even longer. Its become hard to find, but I have a lead on one with a similar bloom habit. Keep you posted. 

FYI –  I use Jack’s Bloom Booster in my garden. From veggies to perennials, to annuals and hanging baskets.

They are evergreen, but old foliage should be trimmed off in late winter as new growth starts. This is the easiest time to do it as the old foliage has been flattened to the ground and the fresh new growth is upright and perky. As shown in the image to the left.  It doesn’t hurt them if you don’t, but it keeps the garden neat and photogenic.

The deer do not eat them. Plus they are great greens for a bouquet. I admit they are a bit pricey, ($20 for a 1 gallon pot is a deal) but an incredible value as they are long lived and fill a very special niche in the garden.

I have several dozen in my collection and will add more images (and probably plants) as they bloom or as I find them.