March 2021

There are many reasons that I love the month of March. Not the least of which is that I have my birthday on the 10th!

I’ve always been excited for it. I anticipated it as a fun, joyous coming into spring month. Then, as a child, I would often feel a little let down when the snow came and the signs of spring were wanting. I did grow up here in NE Ohio, after all.

However, this March has not disappointed! Wow! The signs of spring are everywhere – especially as we bring March to a close. Crocus are radiant – daffodils are blooming and tulips are beginning to get tall.

This year I turned 52, and let me tell you – my new number of “things to get done” is 52,000! I usually exaggerate with just 12,000 things to do – but this year I decided to “up my game”.

52,000 things include everything from office work, to concrete orders, to painting, to potting, to taxes, to seeding trays for annual flats pots and hanging baskets, vegetables and herbs. Our days are never dull, my friends. But I know you want to hear about what brings me my BLISS!

Concrete Statuary

We have concrete statuary custom painted by yours truly – Cathee and Joanna – and local artist and friend, Kathy Knauff. You are sure to be amazed and excited by it all – and the other new concrete items that should be arriving mid- April as well – or just as soon as the concrete makers can manage. They are working hard to service all of their customers – like us. Items will go fast – so, if you love it when you are here – get it! Because if you wait, it’ll be at least another month before you’ll see them again.

Vegetables, Herbs and Annuals

When you view the photos for this month, I’m sure that you’ll realize just how truly amazing life is. Plant life starts so tiny from seeds. I love watching them sprout and come out of the proof “hot” box and set down on our tables to continue to grow and mature before we transplant them into the pots that you purchase and take home. I hope you feel as much bliss as I when you see these pictures. I’m sure you understand it is so much better in person. After April 6th, you’ll be able to enjoy it as well. That’s our opening day, 2021! Our seed packets should be here by then, and knowing NE Ohio, you may still have time for it to snow 3 times on the peas. (Did I just say that?- Yes, I guess I did, but it should just be some dusting snow, right?)

Pansies and Violas

I adore pansies and all their faces! They make me smile every time I see them. We have a great variety of colors this year. As you can see in the pictures. They are simply glorious and we’ve heard from other garden centers that they are selling out fast! Be sure to stop in early once we open to get yours! Remember – April 6, 2021 we are open for spring sales.

To conclude – 52,000 things to do – where will you begin?

Blissfully yours,